2023-2024 Miss Indian New Mexico LV

Miss Indian New Mexico LV

Kelsey Quintana


Kelsey Winter Quintana is a proud member of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. She is the daughter of Cherrise and Byron Quintana. She is the granddaughter of the late Cornelia Quintana, Laverne Notsinneh, and Abel Notsinneh. She is twenty-one years old. Kelsey enjoys running, working out, beading, reading, studying, traveling to powwows, hiking, watching true criminal documentaries, and spending quality time with family and friends. She attends school at the University of New Mexico where she is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in nursing. Nursing is the perfect career choice for Kelsey to pursue because she is very considerate, loyal, kind, and caring. She wants to help her people in any way she can.

She is passionate about making a positive impact in native communities. She was involved with UNITY (United Nations Indian Tribal Youth) for several years. Unity helped Kelsey become a natural leader in her community. She has served as an ambassador for the Jicarilla Apache Nation with various royalty titles. While being a presentative for her people she had the opportunity to grow and embracing her culture and identity as a Jicarilla Apache woman. She believes that creating new connections and friendships with others will help bring our communities together. She wants to encourage and empower people to embrace who they are.

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